App Development

All our tech bees were working in startups previously and have a deep understanding of all the required approached. So, if you would hire our tech bees, you will get startup launching experience and a list of tips, tricks, and suggestions on every Milestone.

Top Bar Hive



  1. Day of iOS Development (Frontend): 1
  2. Day of Android Development (Frontend): 0
  3. Day of Additional Server Development (Backend):0
  4. Testing: Feature Not Included
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Warré Hive



  1. Day of iOS Development (Frontend): 14
  2. Day of Android Development (Frontend): 0
  3. Day of Additional Server Development (Backend):14
  4. Testing: Feature Not Included
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Langstroth Hive


  1. Day of iOS Development (Frontend): 21
  2. Day of Android Development (Frontend): 21
  3. Day of Additional Server Development (Backend):21
  4. Testing: Feature Not Included
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